Wednesday, October 3, 2012


How to View Private Facebook Profiles

 A lot of people claim to be shocked when they find out that someone could possibly view details on their Facebook profile that they had believed were permanently and totally hidden. If you have been using the web for any length of time then you realize it’s quite easy to learn how to get someone’s Facebook password and see whatever you want. This is perhaps the greatest myth perpetuated by Facebook: that data you give them is somehow safe from prying eyes with a modicum of knowledge – it is not. You can actually hack Facebook easily enough once you know the primary methods people use. Some are more complex and other means for viewing private Facebook Profiles are very simple. However, before you do any of this you really need to make sure that you are prepared for the fact that you may end up being recorded as you perform the hack. If you are going to take the time to read up on how to get someone’s Facebook password, you need to take the time to understand counter measures that big companies take, too. While their recording of your entry to the site may seem inconsequential at the time, it could resurface years later if the person whose account you got into ever decides to go after you in a law suit.

Here at How to View Private Facebook Profiles, we have provided you with many different tips, tricks and hacks to view private facebook profiles. However, facebook tends to stay on the bleeding edge of security and fixes most bugs very quickly. Now, while many of our hacks still work to this day, other facebook viewing tricks have been patched. Even though many new bugs and tricks to view profiles on facebook will arise (and of course we will post every new facebook hack we can), we would like to share with you some tricks that will never get blocked. This of course is Social Engineering. And it is a great way to view private facebook profiles.

Before you ask me “why would I want to hack facebook“, let me ask you something. Have you ever though that your friends are talking about you behind your back? Wouldn’t it be cool to see what they actually say with each other? Or maybe your spouse is acting weird lately and makes you think that he/she talks with someone else on their facebook. Isn’t it time you take control and see for yourself what’s happening behind your back? You might have a similar, or a totally different problem than these – or you might just wanna pull a prank on your friends!

No matter what the reason is, you’re clearly on the right place to get everything you need to hack facebook (and if you’re fast enough, you can do this for free! Read on to see about our promotion!).
 Hack facebook, hacking facebook passwords from user accounts and find out someones facebook password...Is any of it really possible? Yes it is, thanks to Twitter!. By now, you have probably heard the rumors of how unsafe Facebook is with a few celebrities having had their accounts hacked. You may also have seen Twitter allows you to synchronize your tweets with Facebook status updates so whatever you tweet appears as a Facebook status update. In providing this service, Facebook has created many vulnerabilities for itself by allowing a third party (Twitter) to access their database. This problem is due to Facebooks API service which permits exterior websites or applications (like FarmVille) to modify or post stuff on your profile.

What is social engineering? It is a term that refers to getting someone to comply to your desires, without them necessarily knowing what they are, or your motives behind them.

Top 5 Websites To Learn How To Hack Like Hackers
Whether you're a college student, a well experience networking trainer or a computer games addicted - everyone comes across a situation where we make life a lot easier with some type of hacking.

Maybe you've lost the license key that came with your genuine anti-virus or games package that you  paid for. Maybe you want to make a backup copy of your Favorite Games, DVD Movies, but there is a copy-protection encoded into the disk. or May be your stuck on a your favorite online games and you want to know if any hacks available to leave up in the game.

In today's age of computer and Internet technologies, everything is written in one or anther programming language. No programmer is perfect - they all make mistakes and always there are back door, secret codes and vulnerabilities in any application you come across. Believe me if you just following the efforts of active hacking communities or if you learn how to hack on your own, it shows you tremendous into the inner-working of your most "Trusted" games & software applications.


How To Hack A Facebook Password

Facebook, along with a wide host and range in social and emailing web services, isn’t as secure as they’d have you believe. In July 2010, at the Black Hat computer security conference, a security expert demonstrated how a number of accounts could be compromised based solely on the patterns that had emerged by combing through hundreds of millions of users’ publicly accessible content.

Facebook is most vulnerable by its inherent nature; its social aspects. You won’t find that you can crack facebook password by some brute force attack at the front door. Instead, how to get someones facebook password, is a matter that’s more organic and simpler than you might even realize to Crack a Facebook Password and View Private Facebook Profiles.

But since we’re on the topic of the front door, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of the fact that security conglomerates keep running statistics of the most commonly used passwords, and have kept these logs for decades. You may find that you don’t need to hack facebook password, and that a user could simply be lazy enough to set their password to “password” or “password1?. These lists are on the web and are easy to find.

That point mentioned, what you’ll likely have the most success with, in finding a way to hack facebook is by a means of hacking that’s been around since as long as hacking has: social engineering. This approach involves interacting with people, and coercing people, and using their sloppiness and willingness to share information against their own security. For example, due to the absolutely viral nature of the sharing information due by way of APIs, there are a number of back doors to Facebook profiles.

 You can take your pick. Do you want to draw up a list of profiles based on zip code? Easy: head to Twitter, run a search for the city of your choice, and add “4sq” to the string. This will lead you to a Foursquare profile, which in turn will lead you to a Facebook profile (which will likely be very active). From the places the person visits, you can determine what the best way to go about a facebook password hack is. That’s just one way you can social engineer your way through.

Of course, there are the more mechanical ways on how to hack a facebook password. Let’s take the hardware approach, such as going through a key logger. Although you can email a key logger over to a target, this is still a hardware approach, because we’re relying on the fact that the target will use hardware, i.e. the keyboard. But if the target doesn’t, if the target has all his passwords saved on a computer file, this approach, obviously, won’t work. The principle behind a key logger is simple enough. A logger records each and every key stroke, typos and all. After that it’s a relatively simple feat of running a search through the text file of the log for the Facebook URL ( and looking for a user password combination to follow shortly after to find Facebook Password.

There are programs that can reset or override the base administrator password in Windows XP. I have never had the need for one with Win Vista or Win 7, yet.
The program I use runs the Windows setup routine to gain access to the boot sector which is where the first admin password is stored. It then allows you to replace the password. It does not hack the password, it overwrites it.
I was hired by a company to do this on their computers when a previous manager got mad and quit and locked everybody out. Its something I will only do for the legit owner of the computer.

Hacking can be difficult and there are many different ways to hack and many different exploits to use. Hacking is neither defined nor limited by exploitation or exploration. Hacking into someone else's system may be illegal, so don't do it unless you are sure you have permission from the owner of the system you are trying to hack or you are sure it's worth it AND you won't get caught.

Hacking was primarily used for learning new things about systems and computing in general, 'in the good old days'. In recent years it has taken dark connotations and in general has been looked down upon. Likewise, many corporations now employ "hackers" to test the strengths and weaknesses of their own systems. These hackers know when to stop, and it is the positive trust they have built that earn them large salaries.

There is a major difference between a hacker and a cracker. A cracker is motivated by malicious (namely: money) reasons; a hacker is attempting to gain knowledge through exploration, at any cost and in any way - not always legal.

 A lot of people claim to be shocked when they find out that someone could possibly view details on their Facebook profile that they had believed were permanently and totally hidden. If you have been using the web for any length of time then you realize it’s quite easy to learn how to get someone’s Facebook password and see whatever you want. This is perhaps the greatest myth perpetuated by Facebook: that data you give them is somehow safe from prying eyes with a modicum of knowledge – it is not. You can actually hack Facebook easily enough once you know the primary methods people use. Some are more complex and other means for viewing private Facebook profiles are very simple.

 However, before you do any of this you really need to make sure that you are prepared for the fact that you may end up being recorded as you perform the hack. If you are going to take the time to read up on how to get someone’s Facebook password, you need to take the time to understand counter measures that big companies take, too. While their recording of your entry to the site may seem inconsequential at the time, it could resurface years later if the person whose account you got into ever decides to go after you in a law suit.


Hack Facebook FOR FREE!

With our Facebook Hacking Software called “Facebook Hack Automator”, you can simply enter and account username/ID and it will hack it in just a while. At this moment it has a 99.8% success rate, and we do our best to get it even higher. You do not need ANY technical knowledge requirements whatsoever. Forget about hiring a personal hacker or maybe even spending months and thousands of dollars for studying to become one yourself. If a human can do it, our software can do it (thus its name)

This facebook password retrieval software works with all facebook accounts, no matter when they were created or what e-mail service the user is using. After research, lots of clients have discovered that our program is the only reliable software in the net to hack facebook accounts.
Hack Facebook FOR FREE!

-We currently offer our software to the public free of charge only for a few days. This is part of our big product launch, and we want to spread the word and get as much feedback as possible.

Don’t miss our offer. Grab our software as fast as you can and start Hacking Facebook accounts right away, Facebook Hack Automator can be downloaded from the below link.

For more information about how to hack facebook’s different features, such as profiles or albums, feel free to browse our pages or blog and see our program perform magic at our video demonstration page.
A word of caution needs to be said here, though. If you are trying to do this, get into an account you aren’t given specific access to by the owner, you may wind up with more trouble than you bargained for. Remember that Facebook is a big company and just because they do not tell their users they are logging every entry, authorized or not, into the site does not mean they aren’t. Be careful and try to cover your tracks if you want to Hack Facebook. Best of luck!

Also, make sure you take a look at our top articles for the best advice on how to view private facebook profiles.

 Facebook is the web’s most used social network and it makes sense that a huge number of people want to know how to get into the site to view private facebook profiles. We all have that urge to learn how to see hidden profiles on Facebook so if you are experiencing this then you are certainly not alone. In terms of learning how to hack a Facebook password, you are going to need to understand that there are very few tools out there which can simply pick the lock for you, so to speak. Instead, most people find success at trying to view private Facebook accounts when they use software engineered by teams or use social engineering to get what they want. You can find out how to see hidden profiles on Facebook with social engineering and that is going to make the process a great deal easier for you. This simply involves trying to get the password from your intended target by talking to them. You usually want to do this from a facebook account other than yourself. It takes a bit of guile and a lot of nerve, but if you can get the person comfortable you may be able to joke around about passwords and have them spill the beans. Of course, this is a time consuming approach on how to view facebook profiles.

A few things here don't make sense. If its your admin password how come you need to "hack" it? If your normal user account is an administrator account then you are the administrator already. You don't need to log on to the administrator account to install programs if your account is an administrator account.
Which version of Windows? In win 98 all you had to do was hit cancel and it logged on anyway.
There is an actual basic administrator account but its not usually used. When you set up your user account on a new computer it becomes the default administrator. Also the base administrator account normally does not have a password. If you get something like a Dell then you have to actually set an administrator password otherwise its blank. Its often an oversite of the IT person to leave it open, which then becomes a sort of backdoor. I have gone onto public computers and been able to log into the administrator account because no password was ever set.

Facebook, along with a wide host and range in social and emailing web services, isn’t as secure as they’d have you believe. In July 2010, at the Black Hat computer security conference, a security expert demonstrated how a number of accounts could be compromised based solely on the patterns that had emerged by combing through hundreds of millions of users’ publicly accessible content.

Facebook is most vulnerable by its inherent nature; its social aspects. You won’t find that you can crack facebook password by some brute force attack at the front door. Instead, how to get someones facebook password, is a matter that’s more organic and simpler than you might even realize to Crack a Facebook Password and View Private Facebook Profiles.

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